It’s time to take your career by the fkn balls.

Want to get the solution to all your launching problems? Gain not only more eyes, but more sales.

  • Intro Call & Workbooks
    Laying the groundwork and getting you ready to crush it.

    Call One - Magnetism 101
    Discover what makes you irresistible/ learn the science behind magnetism.

    Call Two - Magnetism 101 2.0
    Taking your magnetic presence to the next level—advanced strategies to attract what you want.

    Call Three - The 4 Different Types of Attraction
    Master the art of understanding and using different types of attraction to your advantage.

    Call Four - Shame
    Confront and dismantle the shame that's been holding you back.

    Call Five - Presence, Gratitude & Discipline
    Learn about your shadows during launch periods/ sales like entitlement, complacency & laziness. Learn real life strategies to not let the shadow win anymore.

    Call Six - Desire & Disorganization
    Get your desires in check and eliminate the chaos that’s killing your momentum.

    Call Seven - Be a Better FKN Student
    Your launches would 10x tomorrow if you knew how to be a student, collect real data and not let your ego lead.

    Call Eight - Selling
    Learn to sell like a pro, not just products, but yourself and your ideas.

    Call Nine - Mid Launch Period
    The critical strategies to keep the momentum going during your launch—no slacking allowed.

    Call Ten - Environment
    Shape your surroundings to be the ultimate support system for your goals—your environment matters more than you think.

  • Relying on motivation alone: You’ve tried to ride the wave of motivation, thinking it would carry you through. But when the excitement fades, so does your progress.

    Playing it safe: You’ve stuck to what feels comfortable, avoiding risks and challenges. It might have felt good temporarily, but it’s kept you stuck in the same place.

    Winging it during critical moments: You’ve slacked off during crucial periods, thinking you could coast through based on past efforts. Instead, you lost momentum when it mattered most.

  • I’m the person who’s been exactly where you are— stuck in cycles of "will this ever work" "what tf am I doing wrong" "why is she growing and I am not" crying myself to sleep.

    I didn’t just read this in a book or hear it from someone else. I’ve lived it.

    I’ve built a life and 7 fig business from the ground up, not by getting lucky, but by mastering the very principles I’m teaching you.

    I’ve turned my body, my mind, and my environment into assets that work for me, not against me.

    I’ve failed, I’ve learned, and I’ve refined my approach until it produced real, undeniable results. Now, I’m here to cut through the bullshit and show you how to do the same.

    I’m not here to tell you what you want to hear—I’m here to tell you what you need to hear, to push you to the next level, and to show you how to actually achieve the success you’ve been chasing.

    Who am I to teach this? I’m the one who’s walked the path, fought the battles, and emerged with the blueprint that works. Now, it’s your turn to make it work for you.

The purpose is to master the balance between opposing forces in business. Business requires you to be urgent, but also patient….

Attached but also detached.

Optimistic but also a realist. If you have a low level of emotional intelligence you will exhausted by whats required of you.

The emphasis is on endurance, emotional intelligence, and practical application so you become less of a do'er more of a have'er..

Business stops feeling like an emotional rollercoaster. You master your mind, so that your emotional state stops dictating your income. You understand the complexities of business so you never get stagnate again.

  • Call One - Confidence vs Insecurity:
    They start by exploring the delicate balance between confidence and insecurity. Learn how to build genuine confidence while addressing and managing their insecurities. It's about understanding that confidence isn’t just a fake façade.

    Call Two - Money Maturity vs Immaturity:
    The course dives into financial intelligence, teaching the difference between money maturity and immaturity in business. They learn how to develop a mature relationship with money, including managing finances responsibly, making wise investments, and avoiding impulsive, immature financial decisions.

    Call Three - Vision vs Adaptability:
    Learn that while having a strong vision is crucial, the ability to adapt to changes and challenges is what keeps them on the path to success. Learn how to turn every obstacle into $$.

    Call Four - Optimism vs Realism:
    Learn how to stay optimistic and hopeful without being naïve as fk, grounding their positivity in realistic expectations and practical strategies.

    Call Five - Patience vs Urgency:
    This breaks down understanding when to be patient and when to act with urgency. You'll learn the importance of timing in business and life, recognising that success often requires a mix of both patience and a sense of urgency.

    Call Six - Passion vs Detachment:
    The course teaches you how to stay passionate about their goals without becoming overly attached to specific outcomes.

    Call Seven - Authority vs Overwhelm:
    Establish authority without getting overwhelmed. Learn strategies for stepping into leadership roles confidently while managing the responsibilities and pressures that come with authority.

    Call Eight - Resilience vs Vulnerability:
    Uncover the hidden power that only the strongest possess: the ability to bend without breaking. In this session, you’ll learn that real strength isn’t about being invincible—it’s about being unshakeable in the face of adversity.

  • Being overly optimistic: You've embraced the power of "positive thinking", believing that focusing on optimism would attract success.

    But this blinded them to real risks and challenges, leaving them unprepared when things went wrong. The lack of a realistic backup plan led to bigger failures.

    Putting passion over profit: They’ve poured their heart and soul into passion projects, thinking that passion alone would lead to financial success.

    But without a solid strategy to monetise their efforts, they ended up with a business that felt good but didn’t pay the bills, leading to financial stress...

    Relying solely on grit: You’ve powered through, thinking willpower alone will get you to the top.

    But all it’s led to is burnout.

    Grit without strategy is like running on a treadmill—you’re sweating, but you’re not getting anywhere.

  • I’ve faced the head fuck that is trying to balance vision with adaptability, passion with detachment, and resilience with vulnerability—and I’ve come out on top.

    I’ve built businesses from the ground up, not just through grit but by mastering the dualities that can make or break you.

    I know what it’s like to chase every shiny object, to overcommit out of fear, and to get lost in overplanning—only to find that none of it works if you don’t know how to navigate the chaos.

    I’m not here to sugarcoat anything or sell you a dream. I’m here to give you the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts that actually work in the real world. If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and start making real progress, then I’m the one to teach you how to do it.

    Because I’ve been where you are, and I know exactly what it takes to get to where you want to be.

Elite Community Mastery: The Disciplined Advantage.

This course will provide a comprehensive guide that teaches you to build an unbreakable community, that sell’s for you, improves client retention, betters your client journey. Takes you 1 step closer to world domination.

Clients become ride or dies, once they come in they are here forever and referring all their friends.

You learn to master the art of impact/ community focused sales so you never worry about launches again.

Launches/ sales/ offer sell with ease because your community rally for you.

  • Call One - my community: Learn the foundational importance of building a strong, authentic community around your brand.

    Balance your individual status with a community focus, because a supportive community enhances brand strength and identity.

    Call Two - your community: Shift the focus from yourself to your audience. This session will teach you how to deeply understand your community’s needs, desires, and pain points.

    You’ll discover effective strategies for engaging and nurturing your community, ensuring they feel valued and connected to your brand. By the end, you’ll know how to cultivate a loyal following that supports your business and becomes your greatest advocates.

    Call Three - loyal communities:
    This session delves into the psychology of loyalty, showing you how to create deep, meaningful connections that transcend mere transactions.

    You’ll learn how to foster a sense of belonging and trust within your community, making your brand indispensable in their lives. This is about creating a movement, not just retaining customers.

    Call Four - becoming known:
    This session is all about visibility. You’ll learn strategies to amplify your presence within your community and beyond.

    We’ll cover how to become a known authority in your niche, leveraging your community to build a strong reputation. You’ll understand the importance of building a brand that people not only recognise but respect.

    Call Five - Impact-focused business:
    How to align your business goals with a greater purpose, ensuring that your community sees your brand as one that truly cares about more than just profit.

    Call Six - actionable steps:
    It’s time to get practical. This session breaks down the exact steps you need to take to implement everything you’ve learned so far.

    You’ll receive actionable advice on how to execute your plans, build your community, and drive your business forward.

    This is where strategy meets execution, ensuring that your vision translates into reality.

    Call Seven - lasting business:
    Learn the secrets to building a business that stands the test of time.

    In this session, we’ll explore the pillars of sustainability, from maintaining customer loyalty to adapting to market changes.

    You’ll learn how to keep your business relevant and thriving, no matter what challenges come your way.

    Call Eight - Q&A:
    This final session is all about you. It’s your chance to get personalised advice and clarity on the specific challenges you’re facing.

    By the end of this session, you’ll walk away with the confidence and knowledge to take your community-driven business to the next level.

  • Using generic engagement tactics: You’ve posted content, sent emails, and even ran promotions, expecting your community to engage. But your efforts have felt like you're banging your head against a wall because you didn’t take the time to truly understand what your audience cares about.

    Ignoring the power of niche communities: Trying to cater to everyone, you’ve missed out on creating a deeply loyal community that truly resonates with your brand and values.

    Broadcasting instead of connecting: You’ve been pushing content out into the void, hoping it sticks, without really engaging with your audience. This one-way communication has left you with a community that feels ignored and disconnected, leading to low engagement and loyalty.

    Focusing on sales over relationships: This sales-first approach has alienated potential long-term customers who feel like they’re just another transaction instead of valued members of your community.

  • I’m not some guru spewing theories—I’m the one who’s done the work, who’s faced the failures, and who’s come out the other side with a community that’s not just engaged, but disgustingly loyal.

    I know what it takes because I’ve been where you are—trying to juggle building a business, connecting with an audience, and keeping your sanity intact.

    I’ve tried all the shit that doesn’t work—the empty social media tactics, the superficial brand strategies, the endless chasing of trends that never stick. And guess what? I found out the hard way what actually gets results.

    I learned that it’s not about collecting followers, it’s about building a tribe.

    If you’re ready for someone who’s going to tell you the hard truths and give you the real tools to build a community that’s as unstoppable as you are, then I’m your person.

    I’m not just teaching this—I’m living it. And now, I’m here to help you do the same.

Discipline & social media mastery: I’ve generated over a MILLION dollars in cash from social media in less than two years—now it’s your turn. This Social Media Bootcamp is your no-bullshit guide to finally cracking the code on building a powerful online presence that works for you, not against you.

You’ll learn how to create content that cuts through the noise, build an authentic personal brand that stops people in their tracks, and master the art of selling with confidence, without coming off as desperate.

If you’re ready to stop playing small and start making social media work for you, it’s time to go from invisible to unstoppable. Let's make it happen.

  • Call One begins with an Audit, where participants evaluate their current social media footprint, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.

    Call Two addresses Friction, helping participants recognise and overcome obstacles that hinder their progress, whether technical, strategic, or mindset-related.

    In Call Three, the focus shifts to the Pillars of a strong social media strategy, teaching participants how to create consistent, engaging content that aligns with their brand.

    Call Four dives into Evolution, exploring how to adapt and refine their approach over time by staying current with trends and feedback.

    Call Five is dedicated to Personal Brand, guiding you in crafting a unique and authentic online identity that resonates with their audience.

    Call Six tackles Ego, helping participants maintain humility and authenticity while engaging with their followers. Finally,

    Call Seven focuses on Selling, equipping participants with strategies to effectively promote their products or services on social media.

    Call Eight, an open Q&A session to address any remaining questions and solidify their newfound knowledge.

  • You've spent countless hours tweaking your social media profiles, hoping the right bio or profile picture would magically boost your followers.

    You've dabbled in posting more frequently, thinking that sheer volume would translate into engagement.

    Maybe you’ve even tried copying what successful influencers are doing, but the results just don't match up.

    You’ve invested in flashy tools and apps, thinking they would automate your success, yet you're still stuck in the same place—struggling to grow your audience and turn them into loyal customers.

    It feels like you’re running on a hamster wheel, putting in the effort but not seeing the traction you deserve.

    If this sounds all too familiar, you're not alone. The problem isn't your work ethic; it’s that your strategy lacks the depth and direction necessary to cut through the noise and make a real impact.

  • Because I don’t just teach social media—I live it, breathe it, and understand the nuances that make all the difference.


    I’ve built my brand from the ground up by mastering the art of authentic engagement and leveraging every platform to its fullest potential.

    I've been in your shoes, frustrated by stagnant growth and wasted efforts, and my proven strategies aren’t based on guesswork; they’re the result of years of hands-on experience and real-world success.

    I’m here to cut through the fluff and give you actionable steps you need to transform your social media presence and turn your followers into raving fans.

    When you work with me, you’re not just getting a coach—you’re getting a partner dedicated to your success, with the expertise to guide you every step of the way.

When you discipline your mind to become a productive b*tch, it is game over for everyone.

Ferocious is all about becoming laser-focused in your business so you never procrastinate, get distracted, or feel disappointed in yourself again.

This course will transform you into a high-achieving powerhouse, where procrastination is no longer in your vocabulary, and you can easily finish all your tasks and more.

By mastering the right way to be productive, you’ll avoid burnout and feel proud of your achievements every single day. Let’s normalise high levels of productivity and become a fkn weapon in your business and life.

  • How to Be More Productive

    Call One - Clarity: This call is all about identifying your true priorities, cutting out the noise, and setting a focused direction for your productivity journey.

    Call Two - Discipline: Learn the foundations of self-discipline and how to build habits that stick. This call will equip you with the tools and mindset needed to stay committed to your goals, even when motivation wanes.

    Call Three - Focus: Sharpen your ability to concentrate, you’ll learn techniques to train your mind to stay on task and avoid the common fuck ups that derail productivity.

    Call Four - Energy: Master the art of managing your energy levels throughout the day. Learn MY SECRET strategies for maintaining high energy, avoiding burnout, and working at your peak without sacrificing your health.

    Call Five - Comfort Zone: Challenge your limits by stepping out of your comfort zone. This session focuses on breaking through mental barriers, embracing discomfort, and building the confidence to take bold actions that lead to big results.

    Call Six - Resilience: Learn the mindset and strategies needed to stay committed to your goals, no matter what obstacles come your way.

    Call Seven - Competition: Reframe competition as a motivator and learning tool. Explore how to use competitive pressure to elevate your performance, learn from others, and achieve greater success without feeling intimidated.

    Call Eight - The Wrap Up:
    Bring all the lessons together in this final session, creating a personalised action plan to implement everything you’ve learned. You’ll leave with a strategic roadmap to maintain your productivity and achieve your goals long-term. text goes here

  • You’ve read all the productivity books, downloaded the fancy apps, and followed countless 'gurus' who promised quick fixes.

    You’ve tried multitasking, thinking it would save time, but ended up more scattered and less effective.

    You’ve experimented with morning routines, thinking waking up at 5 AM would magically solve everything, only to burn out by midday.

    You’ve set goals, made to-do lists, and bought planners, but still found yourself procrastinating, overwhelmed, and stuck in the same old patterns.

    If this sounds familiar, it’s because you’ve been applying surface-level tactics without understanding the core principles that drive true productivity.

  • Because I don't just talk the talk—I live it.

    I’ve turned productivity into an art form, AND I also used to be the most unproductive fucker out there.

    Productivity helped me build multiple successful businesses.

    My approach is rooted in real-world experience, not theory.

    When you learn from me, you’re getting someone who’s walked the path and knows exactly how to guide you through your own transformation.

This course will delve into the psychology and science behind why some always win, and why some never seem to get ahead. It teaches the embodiment, mindset, and behaviours that morph you from the overlooked underdog to the undeniable champion.

This course isn’t about playing the game—it's about leading it and rewriting the rules.

    • How to define and embody a winning mindset.

    • The psychological and scientific principles behind success.

    • The importance of data and extreme ownership in decision-making.

    • How to cultivate emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and gratitude.

    • Strategies for maintaining high standards and managing risks.

    • Techniques for dealing with fear, pressure, and burnout.

    • Understanding and overcoming external validation and fear of irrelevance.

    • How to handle envy, resentment, and the emotional weight of sustaining success.

      The Winner's Playbook", is structured into three phases, each focusing on different aspects of achieving and maintaining a winning mindset and lifestyle.

    • Relying on motivation alone without understanding the deeper psychological principles.

    • Reading self-help books or watching motivational videos without taking deeper, actionable steps. These can create a false sense of progress, where individuals feel motivated but fail to implement lasting change.

    • Being "all or nothing" when it comes to growing. Making decisions based on emotions or assumptions rather than data.

    • Attempting to maintain "high performance" "high standards" without addressing underlying emotional issues.

    • Being around people who are "yes man" they make you feel powerful but ultimately keep you in unproductive behaviours.

    • Short-term challenges, like "75 Hard" or similar challenges that demand extreme discipline and lifestyle changes for a set period.

  • I provide a comprehensive, structured approach to winning that goes beyond surface-level strategies and addresses both the mindset and practical actions needed for success.

    I focus on both the psychological and practical aspects of success helps individuals build a solid, resilient foundation for sustained achievement.

How I became the Dangerous Woman behind the SOLD OUT events - learn my secrets to more reoccurring revenue to your biz with successful in person events.

Sold out, PROFIT generating events.
Step by step guide on how to run, sell, market & recover from LIVE events.
You don’t make any of the mistakes I have made over the last 5 years.