Hi, I’m Dijana.

With over 7 years of coaching experience, I have transformed 100’s lives through the power of discipline. I've hosted more than 20 in-person events, each designed to push your boundaries. Before I turned 25, I became a self-made millionaire, a testament to the relentless discipline and focus I bring to every aspect of my life.

Discipline isn't just a practice for me; it's a way of life. It's the foundation upon which I've built my success, and it's the wisdom I am dedicated to passing on to you. My journey is proof that with the right mindset and discipline, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

My coaching is unorthodox as fk I will warn you. It is direct, savage, & often triggering. Whether you’re;

Wanting to improve your physical fitness, (get hot as f*ck)

Improve your productivity, focus, and energy levels.

Or scale your business.



  • My 1:1 coaching is for the high achievers, the go-getters who are already crushing it but refuse to settle.

    It’s for those who demand more from themselves, who know they’re capable of hitting those 100k months and beyond but need the right strategies and relentless accountability to get there.

    It’s for you if:

    • You’re done with playing small and are ready to level up in a big way.

    • You’ve got the business basics down and now crave exponential growth.

    • You’re not afraid to push your limits and want someone who’ll challenge you every step of the way.

    • You’re ready to cut the bullshit and do what it takes to become a savage.

  • When you work with me, you’re getting more than just a coach—you’re getting a partner who’s as invested in your success as you are.

    Here’s what you can expect:

    • Brutal honesty: I don’t sugarcoat. I’ll tell you exactly what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. If you’re slacking, you’ll know it.

    • Relentless accountability: I’ll hold you to the highest standard. No excuses, no exceptions. You’ll have to show up, do the work, and push beyond what you think are your limits.

    • Strategic precision: We’re not just setting goals—we’re crafting a game plan that’s tailored to your business, your strengths, and your goals. Every move you make will be intentional and calculated for maximum impact.

    • Support: When the pressure’s on and the stakes are high, I’ll be there to keep you focused, motivated, and on track. You’re not alone in this—I'm right there with you, every step of the way.

    • Rapid growth: We’re not here to maintain; we’re here to explode your results. Expect to see tangible, measurable progress that transforms your business and your life.

  • By the time we’re done, you’ll have more than just a list of accomplishments—you’ll have a transformed mindset and a toolkit for continued success.

    Here’s what you’ll walk away with:

    • A solid mindset: You’ll develop the mental toughness to push through any obstacle, making you unstoppable in both business and life. No more second-guessing or hesitating—you’ll act with confidence and clarity.

    • Mastery over your time: No more wasting time on tasks that don’t move the needle. You’ll walk away with the ability to prioritize like a pro, maximizing your productivity and ensuring every minute counts.

    • Tangible results: Expect to see real, measurable outcomes—whether it’s doubling your revenue, hitting those 100k months, or scaling your business to new heights. The progress you make will be undeniable.

    • Unbreakable confidence: You’ll leave knowing you’ve done the work, earned your success, and are fully equipped to continue your momentum.

    • A lifelong edge: This isn’t just about short-term wins; it’s about equipping you with the skills, habits, and mindset to sustain your success long after our work together is done.

  • Because I’m not just talking theory—I’ve lived it.

    I have the results to back it up. I’ve hit those 100k+ months, and I’ve scaled this business and others to levels most only dream about.

    Here’s why that matters:

    • Proven success: I’ve been in the trenches, building businesses from the ground up and scaling them to multiple six-figure months. I know what it takes to get there because I’ve done it, not just once, but repeatedly.

    • Experience across industries: My strategies aren’t just a one-size-fits-all approach. I’ve successfully applied them in various industries, proving that the principles I teach are universal and adaptable to any business model.

    • Real-world tactics: Everything I share with you is tested. These aren’t abstract ideas pulled from a textbook; they’re the exact tactics and strategies I’ve used to achieve massive growth, and they’re designed to work in the real world, with real challenges.

    • Relentless drive: I don’t just coach from the sidelines—I’m in the game every day, pushing for more, setting bigger goals, and achieving them. My drive is contagious, and when you work with me, you’ll catch it too.

    • No fluff, just results: I cut through the noise and focus on what actually works. My approach is straightforward, direct, and focused on delivering the results you’re after. If you’re looking for someone to hold your hand and coddle you, look elsewhere. If you want results, I’m your coach.

    • Success on my terms: I’ve built my success while maintaining my values, my integrity, and my sanity. I’ll show you how to scale your business without sacrificing what matters most to you.

    When you choose to work with me, you’re not just getting a coach—you’re getting someone who’s been where you want to go and knows exactly how to get you there.

    This is more than just business coaching; it’s a partnership that’s designed to elevate every aspect of your life and business.



- Fortnightly 45 minute calls
- Telegram access (M-F)
- Access to Ride or Die which includes all education content past and present on the exclusive skool app + 3 community calls a month for the 4 months
- Access to Hustlers Academy which includes all education content past and present on the exclusive skool app + 2 strategy sessions a month for the 4 months
- Lifetime access to courses run through the duration of your container

Payment plans available. Mastermind upgrades available


- Fortnightly 45 minute calls
- Telegram access (M-F)
- Access to Ride or Die which includes all education content past and present on the exclusive skool app + 3 community calls a month for the 6 months
- Access to Hustlers Academy which includes all education content past and present on the exclusive skool app + 2 strategy sessions a month for the 6 months
- Lifetime access to courses run through the duration of your container

Payment plans available. Mastermind upgrades available


- Fortnightly 45 minute calls
- Telegram access (M-F)
- Access to Ride or Die which includes all education content past and present on the exclusive skool app + 3 community calls a month for the 12 months
- Access to Hustlers Academy which includes all education content past and present on the exclusive skool app + 2 strategy sessions a month for the 12 months
- Lifetime access to courses run through the duration of your container

Payment plans available. Mastermind upgrades available