Are you ready to transform/ revolutionise your relationship with food, pleasure, sensuality, and your body image?

The Naked Project is a transformative program designed to help women develop confidence and personal power by addressing and changing deeply ingrained belief systems, behaviours, shadows, science and patterns, particularly around food, sex, and body image.

This course emphasises the connection between these areas and how they can influence one's overall well-being.

“This is my signature course and my baby- I have been teaching these topics to 100s of women for over 7 years.”


  • Stories

  • Patterns and Behaviours

  • Belief Systems

  • Your Nervous System

  • The EGO

  • The complexities of Shame

  • Triggers

  • Projections

  • Distractions

  • The Five Senses

  • The Links between Sex and Food

  • Safety

  • Food Audits, check in processes.

  • Identifying your own food cycles.


  • Good pleasure VS Bas

  • Secondary Gain

  • The Stress Cycle(s)

  • Our Relationship to our Mothers & food.

  • How to take accountability

  • Healing

  • Connection to Self

  • Visualisation

  • Contradictions

  • Blueprints

  • Pleasure


Are you someone who…

  • Is sick and tired of doing the same shit and looking in the mirror, feeling shit about yourself?

  • Constantly finds yourself scrolling, thinking "I know better" and "WTF am I doing?" yet feels trapped and stuck in the cycle?

  • Is fed up with saying "yeah, good" when people ask how you are, knowing damn well you're just going through the motions?

  • Is tired of constantly saying "I want to lose weight" and still being in the exact same position?

  • Is exhausted from starting new routines only to quit a few weeks in, feeling like a failure every single time?

  • Is fed up with the endless cycle of bad habits that sabotage your progress and keep you from your potential?

  • Is tired of pretending to be happy and successful on social media while feeling empty and anxious inside?

  • Is fed up with making excuses for not taking action, knowing deep down you're holding yourself back?

If you answered yes…

Then the Naked Project is the answer you are looking for.

join us.. next live round coming soon.

Hey I am Dij,

I have been coaching for 7+ years now, and going on my own transformations with my own body was easily one of the most confronting, healing, empowering, scary things I have ever done.

I was just like you;

Binge eating, hated what I saw in the mirror, used men to validate my worth, loved a sneaky selfie on instagram to get “fire” reacts when I was feeling insecure, judged other woman and said “they have it easier” “they have good genetics” all the rest.

But the reality was. All of these were symptoms of a much deeper issue I had to go on the journey on discovering.

Fast forward:

I’ve lost 10kgs, without dieting or tracking. LOL. Maintained keeping the weight off for 4+ years now.
I don’t binge.

I don’t judge other woman.
I don’t lie to my partner daily about why I didn’t want to have s*x
I don’t look in the mirror and tear myself a new one.

I don’t feel trapped in my body.

I don’t watch my partner eat, and have an internal mental breakdown.

I like who I am.

I know who I am.

I LOVE WHAT I SEE IN THE MIRROR. Physically and mentally.

This isn’t a “love yourself” woke movement program… where I convince you to be happy in a body you're unhappy with.

No I teach you the science, psychology, and actionable steps to get the body you want. and maintain it. I have poured my heart into this program, because a philosophy I love by is “your body is your resume” it’ll show me your true levels of;


Self respect

That’s what this is about.