
Four months of 1:1 coaching, to blow up your business.

Now taking applications for 2025!

This is a BUSINESS MASTERMIND - not generalised teachings. I didn't JUST create a mastermind because everyone was doing it.

I created ‘The Big Business Mastermind’ because I AM THE BYPRODUCT of environments in LIFE and business.

Wanna be a WINNER??? The maths is SIMPLE hang out with them and you’ll become one real quick.

My entire career I have purposefully inserted myself in ROOMS that CALL ME THE F**K FORWARD it is why I am rapidly successful.

Was I READY? no.

Do I move anyway? yes. Masterminds are QUICK to reveal to you what you did NOT KNOW YOU NEEDED.

You get access to;

ALL courses, masterclasses, workshops, and broadcasts during the duration of the mastermind. Lifetime access. A library of business courses, HUSTLERS ACADEMY

2 x 1-1 calls with DIJ

Fortnightly group mastermind calls

TELEGRAM access Mon-Fri

Regular business, and life audits with personalised feedback

Accountability GROUP checklist.

A collective of bad ass business owners in your inner circle calling you forward for 4 months.

You'll get me in:



COACH mode


  • NO.

    You do NOT need to be at a certain income level, what you need is the emotional intelligence to talk about money, wins, losses, ideologies you don't understand, and concepts in front of other women openly.

    You CANNOT hide as you do in 1:1.

    Hello ego, being seen wounds. It is NOT an income level that's required it is a level of emotional intelligence that is required.

  • They are entirely TWO DIFFERENT spaces. MASTERMINDS are faster, more activating, and more provocative.

    You get access to OTHER people's businesses, back end, and ideologies - you get access to build awareness on what's working and NOT working for you quickly & HEAL your relationship with women, and competition/comparison on the online space.

  • Most masterminds will 'thought provoke' you only.

    Mine will thought provoke you, action PROVOKE you, I will audit your entire business and LIFE.

    Then give YOU the most disgustingly honest response. I don't do surface-level sh*t "

    The awareness babe, go you" NOPE -It is "okay, well what now with this awareness".

    My aim is for you to LEAVE this mastermind a WHOLE NEW VERSION of yourself, and that WONT happen if i do what most coaches do..

  • Well, you tell me, are you ready for a UPGRADE?

    Are you ready to improve your networking skills, communication skills, business skills, emotional and relational INTELLIGENCE?

    Or do you wanna stay stuck in complaining and comparison? because unfortunately, most people want this, how do I know?

    I look at their ACTIONS, not their WORDS.

    Do you want to scale? build the community of your dreams? ill see you inside.

    You are READY.

Option one.

$8,000 pre sale price, will be 10k

2x 1:1 calls with dij.

Option two.


6 x 1:1 calls with dij

2025 start, late jan/ early feb.