Are you ready for an unf*ckwithable mindset?


The Naked Project IN SHORT. Ready to transform/ revolutionise your relationship with food, pleasure, sensuality, and your body image?

The Naked Project is a transformative program designed to help women develop confidence and personal power by addressing and changing deeply ingrained belief systems, behaviours, shadows, science and patterns, particularly around food, sex, and body image.

The course emphasises the connection between these areas and how they can influence one's overall well-being.

  • 🍽️ Revolutionize Your Relationship with Food: Say goodbye to diets and restrictions that evoke shame after shame… Learn how to nourish your body with love and respect.

    💫 Awaken Your Sensuality: Rediscover your inner sensuality and embrace your body with “i wanna cry I’m so happy” confidence.

    🪞 Transform Your Body Image: Break free from negative body image patterns and cultivate revolutionary self-acceptance. Time to say f**k off to normalising being unhappy in your body.

    🧘 Reconnect with Yourself: Discover the power of mindfulness and self-compassion to build a stronger connection with yourself, which in turn will impact every other area.

    🌸 Enhance Your Self-Esteem: Boost your self-esteem and self-worth, self love gets a bad wrap - but ultimately i want you to fall inlove with yourself and be fkn happy and not consumed with thinking about your image all the time.

  • Struggle with Food and Body Image: Women who want to break unhealthy patterns, heal their relationship with food, and embrace a positive body image once and for all. Fuck this up and down relationship with your body.

    Desire More Intimacy: Those looking to deepen their understanding of their s#xual desires, overcome shame, and build a healthy, pleasurable s#x life so they can stop yo-yo’ing with their s*x life.

    Want Personal Growth: Women who just want to uncover and challenge their limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviours from a different lens. You want long term results with your body.

    Want The Real Healing: Those wanting to address emotional triggers, complete the stress cycle, and find healthier coping mechanisms. Your done with the surface level sh*t

    Want Accountability: Women who are ready to take responsibility for their actions, cultivate self-discipline, and create sustainable change forever.

  • More Self-Awareness: Clearer understanding of personal patterns and belief systems so you can BREAK cycles, and live the reality you want to live.

    Tools for Change: Practical tasks and actionable steps for a REAL transformation, these tools and practices aren’t going anywhere either. You will have life time access to these tools for any season of your life.
    (early 20s, first pregnancy, postpartum, 2nd pregnancy, all the rest.) Your body will always be changing, equip yourself emotionally with the tools to navigate it.

    Community Support: Access to a supportive group for shared experiences and accountability. This crew is LIFETIME.

    Knowledge / Emotional Resilience: Skills / knowledge to navigate and process difficult emotions and experiences when it comes to food, s*x and your body. You will NEVER be unsure with “what to do” again.

    Self Respect: Increased confidence and personal power. You will never see food s*x and body the same, AND life will generally never be the same.

  • i'm Dijana, known as Dij, and my passion is helping women like you find self respect.

    I started coaching women in the gym at 18, and for the past seven years, I've witnessed firsthand the constant dissatisfaction many women have with their bodies, relationships with food, and sex lives.

    it's always conditional—dependent on circumstances.

    I created The Naked Project 4 years into coaching after many repetitive conversations, and a lot of study to tackle these issues head-on.

    It's time to f*ck off the "when's" and live confidently, without conditions.

    I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

The biggest theme I see in coaching industry is everyone "knows" all the things yet lack application.

The grit project closes that gap. From a talker. To a do'er. From a knower. To someone who IS that.

Knowing information is cute. Being an embodiment is the real flex and can confirm not many people have this flex.

An honest journey designed to push you beyond your comfort zones. It’s about shedding the “when’s” and embracing raw, unfiltered honesty to access true grit and self-trust. This course dismantles your excuses and challenges you to confront your deepest fears and limitations.

  • Raw Honesty: Dive into conversations that cut through the fluff, confronting the hard truths about personal excuses and limitations.

    Daily Systems: Learn how grit is ACTUALLY built through consistent, small actions rather than grand gestures, you’ll get all my secrets.

    Intense Focus: Develop vigilance, perseverance, and passion to drive long-term success by learning the science and psychology behind it all.

    Personal Growth: Break free from societal conformity, embrace courage, and build an unshakeable self-trust.

    Module Breakdown:

    Call One: Introduction, boundaries, and setting the tone for honesty.

    Call Two: Dissecting excuses and commitment to daily actions.

    Call Three: Vigilance and attention to detail.

    Call Four: Perseverance through challenges.

    Call Five: Unleashing passion and long-term vision.

    Call Six: Tackling shame and temptation.

    Call Seven: Deep dive into self-discipline and delayed gratification.

    Call Eight: Reflecting on growth and setting up supportive environments.

  • LAZY LINDA: You skip reps, and parts of the workout, admin life tasks, and say you will do it tomorrow, your car is NEVER tidy

    SELF DOUBT SUSAN: You don't identify as disciplined, or consistent - your biggest hinderance is your inconsistency

    EGO EMILY: You are disciplined, but refuse to be a student or listen to other perspectives. Your stuck. But refuse to change your application mechod.

    FUN FRANCIS: You overly rely on excitement to the point where it's a hinderance. If it doesn't feel good or excite you. You won't go near it.

    BUSY BETTY: Are always busy and just never have the time for yourself- finding or creating the time is your kryptonite

    JUSTIFY JOANIE: always has a reason as to why not to work out, do things that require a challenge "Listening to my body" "it is just how I feel" "next week* "when x happens I'll do y"

    CONFUSED CANDICE: You have previously invested in self development and mindset work, but seem to fall off the bandwagon with everytime OR struggle to implement.

  • Unshakable Self-Trust: Master the art of self-discipline and learn to rely on your own commitment 4 eva.

    Laser Focus: Cultivate vigilance to pay attention to the smallest details and avoid distractions so you can be proud of yourself DAILY.

    Resilient Perseverance: Build the endurance to push through challenges and delays without losing momentum. We are all about embodiment over knowledge here.

    Real Accountability: Learn to hold yourself accountable and eliminate excuses that hinder progress.

    Honest Self-Reflection: Gain the ability to confront your true self and make authentic changes. Move from a victim mentality to a victor mindset, ready to tackle any obstacle.

    Sustainable Habits: Implement small, consistent actions that lead to big, lasting changes.

  • I'm Dijana, known as Dij, and my mission is to help women like you discover and cultivate self-respect.

    My journey began at 18, coaching women in the gym, guided by my first mentor, an Iron Man.

    I then trained under a professional bodybuilder and, for the past four years, a professional boxer has been my mentor.

    With seven years of coaching experience, my passion lies in instilling discipline, empowering women to embrace their strength, and transforming their lives through unwavering commitment and resilience.

The Realism Project: Transform Your Life with Unfiltered Truth Are you tired of personal development fluff that doesn't deliver real results? Welcome to The Realism Project, where we cut the crap and get down to the nitty-gritty of what truly matters.

Sneak peak into SOME modules... Connection and Disconnection: Navigate the complexities of relationships.

Intimacy and Vulnerability: Develop deeper connections with yourself and others.

Communication: Master the art of honest and effective communication.

Social Media Consumption: Manage your digital life.

Failure: Embrace and learn from your failures.

Grief and Responsibility: Understand and process your grief.

  • Honest Conversations: We dive deep into the tough topics—grief, intimacy, friendships, ego—without sugarcoating anything.

    Accountability: This isn't about passive learning. You'll be pushed to take real action, confront uncomfortable truths, and implement what you learn.

    Direct Feedback: Expect straight talk. We cut through the fluff to give you the hard truths you need to hear to make real changes.

    Real Results: By the end of the course, you'll see tangible improvements in your self-awareness, relationships, emotional intelligence, and overall resilience.

    Supportive Community: Join a group of like-minded individuals who are also committed to ditching the fake and embracing the real.

    Practical Tools: Get actionable strategies and exercises to integrate into your daily life, ensuring that your personal development is not just theoretical but practical and impactful.

  • Feel Stuck: You've read all the self-help books, attended seminars, and followed all the gurus, but nothing seems to stick. Your life still doesn't reflect the growth you’re aiming for.

    Struggle with Authenticity: You present yourself as conscious and evolved, but deep down, you know you’re not living your truth. You might be kind to strangers but snap at your mom or partner.

    Avoid Hard Conversations: You shy away from discussing grief, intimacy, and vulnerability because they're uncomfortable, preferring to stay in your comfort zone.

    Lack Accountability: You start strong but somewhere that momentum dies. You need a push to stay committed and disciplined.

    Desire True Self-Respect: You're ready to stop faking it and want genuine self-respect and self-love that come from confronting and overcoming real challenges.

    Want Real Relationships: You’re done with surface-level friendships and desire deeper, more meaningful connections that can withstand honest, tough conversations.

  • Radical Self-Honesty: The ability to confront and accept your deepest truths without excuses or avoidance, leading to profound personal insights and growth.

    Practical Tools for Accountability: Concrete strategies to hold yourself accountable, ensuring you follow through on your commitments and achieve real results.

    Emotional Resilience: Techniques to navigate and process grief, intimacy issues, and other challenging emotions, allowing you to handle life's ups and downs with grace and strength.

    Authentic Relationships: Skills to build and maintain deeper, more genuine connections with others by fostering open, honest communication.

    Self-Discipline Mastery: A disciplined mindset to tackle your goals with unwavering focus and consistency, transforming your habits and daily routines.

    Clarity and Purpose: A clear understanding of your core values and life purpose, guiding your actions and decisions towards a fulfilling, meaningful life.

    Improved Self-Respect: Self-respect that comes from living authentically, honoring your boundaries, and consistently choosing integrity over comfort.

  • I’m Dijana, but you can call me Dij. Coaching women is my heart and soul. For the past 7 years, I've been dedicated to helping women find self-respect and discipline.

    I’m not about the fluff. My journey with top-tier mentors has armed me with the grit and expertise to guide you through the raw, real, and sometimes uncomfortable truths of personal development.

    I’m here to help you get real results and live authentically.

The Winners Playbook- Are you ready to be that bitch that wins it all?

Ever wonder how some people (like myself) just come into an industry fkn smash it - some people have been running businesses for years and never cross 6 figure cash months I did it I less than a year and a half.

They have that sort of “fuck you” energy to them. I kinda wanna tell you to fuck off.. But I am so fucking interested into how you keep getting everything you want in life.

Introducing. "Winners Playbook" isn't just another strategy program; it's a complete transformational journey.

This course will delve into the psychology and science behind why some always win, and why some never seem to get ahead.

It teaches the embodiment, mindset, and behaviors that morph you from the overlooked underdog to the undeniable champion. This course isn’t about playing the game—it's about leading it and rewriting the rules.

And if you're already a winner, that next level of yours is on the other side of this.

  • The clarity on why you don’t have what you want that you’ve been looking for.

    Direction on how exactly to get the results you’ve been wanting.

    Skills and knowledge on how to get the results every fkn time no matter the circumstance—you’ll be able to reverse engineer the whole process.

    A set of irreplaceable skills (the same set that got me all the results I have in my life).

    Do you want to find out EXACTLY why:

    You can’t keep the weight off.

    You can’t lose the weight.

    You can’t hit the business milestone.

    You can’t “get your business off the ground.”

    You procrastinate so much.

    You go so good one minute and not the next.

    You say you want something SOooOo bad yet you're still in the same position.

  • You become the most disciplined human YOU KNOW, instead of pedestaling others for their dedication.
    You know the EXACT formula to win at ANY situation ever.

    You never feel confused again about how, and why you don’t have a result you want. Total clarity.

  • The clarity on why you don’t have what you want that you’ve been looking for.

    Direction on how exactly to get the results you’ve been wanting.

    Skills and knowledge on how to get the results every fkn time no matter the circumstance—you’ll be able to reverse engineer the whole process.

    A set of irreplaceable skills (the same set that got me all the results I have in my life).

    You become the most disciplined human YOU KNOW, instead of pedestaling others for their dedication.
    You know the EXACT formula to win at ANY situation ever.

  • I’m Dijana, but you can call me Dij. Coaching women is my heart and soul. For the past 7 years, I've been dedicated to helping women find self-respect and discipline.

    I’m not about the fluff. My journey with top-tier mentors has armed me with the grit and expertise to guide you through the raw, real, and sometimes uncomfortable truths of personal development.

    I’m here to help you get real results and live authentically.