PDFS, ebooks & SAUCY

Welcome to my OFFERS that at affordable beyond measure and over-delivering x 10 lol.

For the woman who wants to audit her body in her own time

"Your Body is Your Resume" is a NO BS, educational masterclass designed to teach you how to audit and understand what yourbody is truly telling you.

This isn't about being lazy and masking it with self-care.

It's about cutting through the noise and learning to listen correctly to your body's signals, so you can optimize your health, performance, and overall well-being AND build a fucking epic relationship with yourself.

What You'll Walk Away With:

A Clear Understanding of Body Signals: Learn how to tell the difference between genuine body signals and excuses masked as self-care.

Practical Tools and Techniques: Gain actionable methods to audit your physical state, identify areas for improvement, and implement effective changes.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Develop a deeper connection with your body, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health and fitness.

Sustainable Habits: Establish routines that support long-term health and performance without falling into the trap of trendy, ineffective fads.

Your body is speaking – it’s time to understand its language and respond with action.

"Little Black Book"

The PDF you can rely on... 🤤

Your recalibration tool, often weeks go by and you are in a FUNK like wtf happened - this book is your sexy guidelines, just like we have health protocols

This is your feeling SEXY protocol.

Over the YEARSSSSSS I have coached women, the most common thing is wanting to feel good in their bodies.

After being asked 100 times.

"Dij - how do you consistently stay turned on?"

"Dij how do you remember all of this, I swear I just forget"

"Dij, HOW how how?!?!?!"

I decided to create a little black book with all my tips and tricks. All my sexy secrets, all my hacks I give my high-paying clients.

It saddens me when I see women living a bland life.

PLAIN AND SIMPLE... Desire to feel more turned on?


Elevate Your Business and Life with Our PRODUCTIVITY HACKER!

Lately, I have been getting;

“Dij, how do you do it all?”

“Dij, how do you move so fast?”

“Dij, how do you create so easily”

And my answer is I’m a productive fucking bitch. I don’t waste time like 99% of you.

Most of you HATE when people waste your time, whether that be traffic, partners, bosses’, check out chick, and you waste your own goddamn time all day long.

MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. But no stress - I got you, for a very low ticket offer…

I unleashed my own potential and supercharged my business and personal life. IT IS YOUR TURN NOW.

Introducing our revolutionary AUDIT designed to ignite lasting change.

  • Section 1: Self-Reflection on Productivity

    🚀 Your Productivity Zone: Discover when you're at your peak productivity and what factors contribute to it.

    🔥 Productivity vs. Busy-ness: Distinguish between being busy and truly productive.

    📝 Prioritizing Tasks: Identify the top three tasks crucial for your business growth.

    ⏰ Procrastination Patterns: Conquer your procrastination habits.

  • Section 2: Self-Sabotaging Patterns

    🔍 Identifying Self-Sabotage: Uncover moments when you hindered your progress.

    😱 Fear of Success: Explore the concept of fearing your own success.

    💡 Limiting Beliefs: Break free from beliefs that hold you back.

    💪 Comfort Zone Exploration: Embrace the power of stepping out of your comfort zone.

  • Section 3: Taking Action for Growth

    📋 Actionable Goals: Define clear, actionable business goals.

    🤝 Accountability: Learn the role of accountability in achieving your goals.

    🌟 Self-Care and Balance: Prioritize self-care for enhanced productivity.

    🤔 Seeking Support: Identify areas where delegation or partnerships can boost your efficiency.

  • Section 4: Table Of Disorganisation

    🤔Discover how to audit and refine both your business and life with this effective table. It's a tool we personally use to keep ourselves organized and focused on results. Regularly assessing areas where you might feel disorganized is key to maintaining peak performance.

We're turning traditional notions of competition on their head. This pdf will show you how to:

Claim Your Space: It's time to stop apologising for wanting to win.

Learn how to boldly stake your claim in every aspect of your life, from your career to your personal relationships from a shadow work/ radical self-honesty lens.

Most competitive women are natural winners who don’t know how to get out of there own way, this pdf will assist you in that process.

Go from stuck, to a winner.


My greatest flex are my relationships are not your average ones. They are deep. They are fulfilling. They are lifelong. But this wasn’t just “given” to me

These relationships were built- with hard conversations, disgusting honesty, and in-depth questions.

Most of us struggle with deepening our relationships because we’re stuck in a cycle of surface-level interactions. We want meaningful connections but don’t know how to create them. We fear vulnerability, yet we crave authenticity.

Our process is rooted in real-world experience and psychological principles. We broke down relationships into actionable steps that anyone can follow. This isn’t theory – it’s proven, practical advice that will transform your friendships.